Effective factors and issues in online learning in Covid-19: a global review

Ali Jahanaray1 Mohammad Jahanaray2 Zahra Zohoorian3

1) M.A student in TEFL, Department of English, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran Email:
2) M.A student in TEFL, Department of English, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran Email:
3) Supervisor, Department of English, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran Email:

Publication : 2nd International Conference on New Research & Achievements in Science, Engineering & Technologies(setbconf.com/2nd)
Abstract :
The sudden outbreak of Covid-19 shocked the entire world, and education section was not exempt from this calamity. This unexpected outbreak caused schools and universities and other education centers to halt their physical classes and rashly switch into online classes. This review paper has as its primary objective identifying related issues faced by different countries around the world and also comparing them to get a global overview, and debating whether dissemination of the Covid-19 has adversely affected educational process in different countries the same way or not. Internet connection, lack of technological devices, deficiency in ICT competencies, and insufficient power supply are reported by most African, South American, and Asian countries as their significant issues in online learning. In contrast, mental health issues, concerns for future jobs, and discrimination among students are reported as significant issues in North America. Lack of training for teachers and students and inaccessibility to stable internet connections and digital devices are the main problems for selected European countries. The other reason behind this review is to find out the most significant factors in computing an effective online learning experience. In this sense, three factors are acknowledged in this paper as influential factors in online learning classes, Student engagement, technology, and majors,Which will be discussed in detail. Unfortunately, our review found out in undeveloped countries success of online education is highly correlated with financial status of countries, whereas, in developed countries its success has other areas of concern among people.
Keywords : Online education - Online learning - covid-19 and education - technology and education - distant learning - online teaching methods - effective factors in online education - online education instruments