Normal fault and tunnel interaction in dry sand with different density

Milad.tajdini1 Ehsan Nam Avar Pashandi2 Oktay Sedaghat3

1) phd tabriz university
2) Bs.C. Industrial Isfahan University
3) Bs.C. Islamic Azad University Gorgan

Publication : 2nd International Congress on Civil Engineering, Architecture, Building Materials and Environment(
Abstract :
Earthquakes are potentially devastating natural events which threaten lives, destroy properties, and disrupt life-sustaining services. The primary cause of earthquakes is the rupture of faults in the earth’s crust and the associated rapid slip on these faults. In most cases, due to the existence of fault ruptures as well as local soil failures, permanent ground deformations occur during a strong earthquake event. Permanent ground deformations, due to fault rupture, is a significant threat for many man-made structures including houses, highways, tunnels, bridges, as well as water, gas, oil and sewer lines. In order to investigate the pattern of rupture propagation for different relative tunnel positions. When the fault ruptures emerge at or adjacent to the position of existing tunnels, significant damage to the tunnels can occur. The objective of this paper is to study the interaction of an embedded tunnel within a soil layer, while normal faulting imposes soil deformations.
Keywords : Key words: Fault Rupture; Tunnel; Sand; Tunnel Interaction.