A novel Ex-Ante Water Quality Impact Assessment framework for Spatial Planning

Ebrahim Zargari-Marandi1

1) Ph.D. in Urban Planning, Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Tehran; Department of Urban Planning, Tehran North Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran; Director of Urban and Regional Plans, UARC, Tehran, Iran

Publication : 2nd International Congress on Civil Engineering, Architecture, Building Materials and Environment(caucong.com/2nd)
Abstract :
In recent decades, many efforts have been made to improve water-sensitive planning in spatial planning systems. One of the tools that can help planners in the direction of protecting water resources is developing frameworks for evaluating the effects of strategies and spatial plans on water quality. However, in many cases, there is not enough information to use quantitative models. The current research is focused on developing a framework for evaluating the effects of spatial strategies and policies on water quality using qualitative data based on theoretical knowledge and expert opinion. Using this framework, the effect of spatial strategies in the regional plan of the Mamloo dam catchment area on some indicators affecting water quality (including over-nutrition, turbidity, sedimentation, OD, heavy metals, and pathogens) was carried out using qualitative data. The results show that the considered strategies if implemented, will reduce the spread of pollution and the effective factors in reducing water quality, and this effect will be higher in the context of two indicators, OD and turbidity, and sedimentation, than the other three indicators.
Keywords : Spatial Planning; Water Quality Impact Assessment [WQIA]; Qualitative Impact Assessment; The Mamloo Watershed Iran.