Evaluating Obstacles to e-Tourism with FISMEvaluating Obstacles to e-Tourism with Fuzzy Interpretive Structural Modeling

Evaluating Obstacles to e-Tourism with FISMEvaluating Obstacles to e-Tourism with Fuzzy Interpretive Structural Modeling

Mehdi Ajalli1 Hasan Torkashvand2

1) Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran
2) PhD student of Financial Engineering, , Islamic Azad University of Rudehen, Rudehen, Iran

Publication : International Conference on Applied Researches in Humanities, Economics, Management & Accounting(icrhema.com/1st)
Abstract :
Electronic Tourism (ET) is essentially the digitalization of the whole touristic industry and infrastructure. One of the stages dealt with in ET schemes is the recognition of barriers inside the nation and the presentation of blueprints to obliterate them. In this paper, in first, the implementation barriers of ET in Iran are identified with presentation a conceptual model. The required data for pinpointing the aforementioned barriers have been gathered from the statistical community comprising census virtuosos and other Iranian statisticians through questionnaire dispensation and they have also been canvassed for germane feedbacks and plans of action. The research upshots evince the fact that ET snags in Iran are as follows: security, legal and legislative quandaries and predicaments, customs office pickles and business plights, orismological stumbling-blocks, infrastructure deterrents and hardware curbs, quandaries germane to electronic and internet disbursements, educational behavioral and cultural hitches, software and fiscal baulks. With the fast development of the E-tourism, it becomes critical to set up an E-tourism Evaluation criteria system. Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process is a new multi-criteria evaluation method evolved from Saaty s AHP. So, this paper aimed to find out and rank the key factors and barriers that affect success in E-tourism using fuzzy AHP approach, and give an evaluation method for E-tourism in order to help researches and managers to determine the drawbacks and opportunities. In following, the relationship and sequence of barriers were determined with Fuzzy Interpretive Structural Modeling (FISM). The final result of FISM approach showed that the barriers are leveled in five levels. So that “Legal and security barriers” and “Cultural and educational barriers” as the first level factors are influenced and dominated by others. The “Internet filtering” has the highest effect and it is located in the fifth level of the proposed model. Such, these barriers clustered by MICMAC analysis to four clusters. With regard to the proposed model and taken prioritize, an action plan was provided for successful implementation ET in the Tourism industry in Iran.
Keywords : Electronic Tourism (ET) Internet Barriers Fuzzy AHP Fuzzy ISM MICMAC.