Kinetics of barefoot running: A literature review‏

Ali Esmaaeeli1 Amirali Jafarnezhadgero2

1) MSc in Sport Biomechanics, Department of sports biomechanics and motor behavior, Faculty of sport Science, University of Mazandaran, babolsar, Iran. Email:
2) Associate Professor of Sports Biomechanics, Department of Sports Biomechanics, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran. Email:

Publication : Four international conferences and six national innovation conferences in sports science(
Abstract :
Introduction and Objectives Interest and participation in barefoot running, or running in minimalist shoes, have gained popularity. Many suggest that switching from shod running to barefoot running makes running more natural and decreases injury risk. Scientists have reported kinetics differences in shod and barefoot running, with a number of differences related to increased injury risk. But literature reviews on barefoot running effects on kinetics of lower extremity were rarely reported. Therefore, the aim of this literature review is to systematically collect published research in this topic, and evaluate the experimental findings. Materials and methods Electronic databases (Pub Med, Scholar Google) were searched from 2010 to 2023. Only studies that evaluated the kinetics of barefoot running were included. Findings 12 articles met the inclusion criteria. The results show that the loading rate and decay rate were greater in barefoot running compared to shod running. There is moderate evidence to support that a runner may experience lower peak ground reaction forces during barefoot running. The less evidence indicating a decreased knee extension moment and increased knee power absorption the when barefoot Running. Conclusions According to our data, the responses of the subjects to barefoot running were not unambiguous and, in some cases, not less traumatic. Clearly more research is needed, and areas for future study are suggested.
Keywords : barefoot running kinetics footwear