Investigation of Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Flexible PVC-EBSO


1) Department of Chemistry, Shahreza Branch, Islamic Azad University, shahreza, Iran

Publication : International Congress on Science, engineering & New Technologies(
Abstract :
Mechanical and thermal properties of PVC softened with epoxidized soybean oil (PVC-EBSO) were studied. Repulsive interactions are used to explain the epoxidation effect of PVC modulus with EBSO and plasticizer. The glass transition temperature of PVC is a linear function of the epoxidation of the ESBO softener. The activation energy of stabilized PVC/ESBO is also affected by the dehydroro-chlorination reaction and HCL production process. Due to the addition of ESBO, the thermal behavior of PVC is improved. Higher activation energy of Ca-Zn and Ba-Zn stabilizers lead to greater stability in PVC-ESBO. The epoxidation level of ESBO also improves the mechanical properties and thermal stability of PVC.
Keywords : Epoxidization Glass Transition Temperature Stabilizers Activation Energy