Designing of Process and Manufacturing the Proposed Breathing Aid Device with a Breathing Mask for Use by Patients Infected with the Corona Virus

Designing of Process and Manufacturing the Proposed Breathing Aid Device with a Breathing Mask for Use by Patients Infected with the Corona Virus


1) Department of Biomedical Engineering, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran
2) 2. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran

Publication : International Congress on Science, engineering & New Technologies(
Abstract :
The reason for the use of automatic or semi-automatic ventilators is to relieve the congestion of the patient s breathing, and in this research, focusing on this vital issue, the design, process analysis, and manufacturing of ventilators along with breathing masks have been discussed. In addition to the purpose of treating the patient s respiratory problems, the designed device can also be used by the general public due to its ability to supply oxygen, small volume and mass, reasonable price, use of quality materials and beautiful design. Nevertheless, it can be stated that the main goal of this research is to design and optimize a respiratory aid device for patients with corona virus. From the respiratory aid devices, we can refer to oxygen therapy devices, ventilators, and CPAP devices.
Keywords : Breathing Aid Device Breathing Mask Design and Manufacturing Plastic Injection