Data Mining in Computer Vision

Behrad Farzadi1

1) Master s Student of Information Management at Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran - Email:

Publication : 3rd International Conference on Advanced Research in Management And Humanities(
Abstract :
Image-oriented social media platforms such as Instagram or Pinterest have grown quickly in popularity, with 35% of the adults and 72% of the adolescents in the United States using Instagram in 2018 (Nanne, 2020). This shows the importance of images and accordingly, what is inside the images, the information! Computer vision is a field of artificial intelligence (AI) that enables computers and systems to derive meaningful information from digital images, videos and other visual inputs and take actions or make recommendations based on that information. This paper will review different perspectives and approaches of data mining (as a technique), in Computer Vision; Also, the study tries to point out a variety of uses for computer vision. This review has taken part in material gathered from main sources such as Scopus, Web of Science, JStor and Science Direct. Retrieved results coming from the search based on key-words, were carefully examined to compel the use of data mining skills in computer vision, in order to use the meaningful information integrated in the pictures; In other words, to understand the pictures by the computer. This paper states how important computer vision is.
Keywords : Data Mining Information Mining Computer Vision Computer Science