Studying the effects of Sulfur consumption and fillers in the compressive strength of concrete

Studying the effects of Sulfur consumption and fillers in the compressive strength of concrete

Alireza Hajizadeh1 Masoud Lakzadeh2 Amirreza Mahmoodinejad3

1) 1. Department of Civil Engineering, Technical and Vocational University (TVU), Tehran, Iran.
2) 2. Department of Civil Engineering, Technical and Vocational University (TVU), Tehran, Iran.
3) 3. Department of Civil Engineering, Student of Shahid Chamran Technical and Vocational University,Kerman, Iran.

Publication : First international Conference on applied researches in civil engineering, architecture and urban planning (
Abstract :
Abstract Bethman, as one of the most utilized materials in the building industry, has always undergone some changes towards improvement. Upgraded The use of sulfur instead of cement in the manufacture of concrete has been very much considered in recent decades. Sulfur concrete from Turkish is made from rocky materials, sulfur cement, filler and other additives, which according to the properties that it has in the family of concrete. Keywords: concrete, Portland cement, Compressive strength.
Keywords : Keywords: concrete Portland cement Compressive strength.