Studying the Reinforcement of concrete sections against earthquake loads

Seyyed Moein Moosavi Nadooshan1 Masoud Lakzadeh2 Mohammadreza Davar3 Milad Askari4

1) Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Shahid Chamran Technical and Vocational University, Kerman, Iran.
2) Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Shahid Chamran Technical and Vocational University, Kerman, Iran.
3) Department of Civil Engineering, Student of Shahid Chamran Technical and Vocational University, Kerman, Iran.
4) Department of Civil Engineering, Student of Shahid Chamran Technical and Vocational University, Kerman, Iran.

Publication : First international Conference on applied researches in civil engineering, architecture and urban planning (
Abstract :
Abstract In order to deal with this incident, a number of regulations have been proposed by the State of the Union to remove any earthquake from any earthquake. Previous experiences have been presented to consider and enforce them. Improvement of living standards to deal with the earthquake hazards are very effective, which is one of the ways to upgrade structures using composite materials such as FRPs. With the features of the original, frankly, and in the same way as in the Dean Sershineen Sin section, in this article, while reviewing Structural retrofitting methods against earthquake, Modeling of a Benon Armored Senon Senon to a Single Basis which is designed to reinforce and reinforce the intruder under the loading of a uniformly enlarged place and the manner in which it is presented. Keywords: Rebuilding, Benny Stones, ABAQUS Software 2.
Keywords : Keywords: Rebuilding Benny Stones ABAQUS Software 2.