Investigation and feasibility study of implementing Passive House standard in Iran towards sustainable development

Investigation and feasibility study of implementing Passive House standard in Iran towards sustainable development

Mohammad Reza Ahmadi1 Reza Maknoon2 Mobina Habibi3 Mohammad Amin Havaei4

1) 1. Master s student in Environmental Engineering, Department of Water and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran,
2) 2. Assistant Professor, Deptartment of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
3) 3. Bachelor s student in Architecture Engineering, Pars University of Art and Architecture, Tehran, Iran,
4) 4. Master s student in Construction Engineering and Management, School of Civil Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran

Publication : 2nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Engineering, Innovation and Technology - Belgium(
Abstract :
Residential houses are recognized as one of the largest contributors to greenhouse gas emissions, such as carbon dioxide and methane, as well as being among the biggest consumers of energy derived from non-renewable sources. Consequently, human life is confronted with risks such as global warming, depletion of mines and resources, pollution resulting from the consumption of such fuels, and the degradation of the environment, all of which have implications for future generations. In this paper, passive houses are examined as one of the current global standards for constructing highly energy-efficient homes. A detailed analysis of the important parameters of this standard is provided. Based on the results obtained in this article, the construction of passive houses has commenced in various countries, and this standard is regarded as one of the most efficient and feasible standards for implementation in all climates, including both cold and warm regions. Considering the available case studies, this standard is highly suitable for the conditions and climate of Iran, and it can be implemented in all cities of the country, including Tehran. This implementation would lead to a reduction in pollution, costs, fuel consumption, and optimal utilization of solar radiation. While the general principles of this standard are applicable to all climates, variations in factors such as temperature, solar radiation levels, humidity, and wind speed necessitate adaptations for greater efficiency and energy conservation. By employing knowledge and creativity, specific measures should be taken to address the climatic conditions and optimize energy consumption.
Keywords : Passive Houses Greenhouse Gases Energy Efficiency Sustainable Development