A Unique Modality for Green management

Mohammad Maghferati Shams-abad1 Pourya Zarshenas2

1) M.B.A Student of University of Northampton, England
2) Master of Technology Management (R&D Branch), South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University (IAU), Tehran, Iran

Publication : 2nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Engineering, Innovation and Technology - Belgium(eitconf.com)
Abstract :
Energy economics is the field that studies human utilization of energy resources and energy commodities and the consequences of that utilization. In physical science terminology, “energy” is the capacity for doing work, e.g., lifting, accelerating, or heating material. In economic terminology, “energy” includes all energy commodities and energy resources, commodities or resources that embody significant amounts of physical energy and thus offer the ability to perform work. Energy commodities - e.g., gasoline, diesel fuel, natural gas, propane, coal, or electricity – can be used to provide energy services for human activities, such as lighting, space heating, water heating, cooking, motive power, electronic activity. Energy resources - e.g., crude oil, natural gas, coal, biomass, hydro, uranium, wind, sunlight, or geothermal deposits – can be harvested to produce energy commodities. Energy economics studies forces that lead economic agents – firms, individuals, governments – to supply energy resources, to convert those resources into other useful energy forms, to transport them to the users, to use them, and to dispose of the residuals. It studies roles of alternative market and regulatory structures on these activities, economic distributional impacts, and environmental consequences. It studies economically efficient provision and use of energy commodities and resources and factors that lead away from economic efficiency.
Keywords : Management R&D Management Research and development development sustainable development