Investigation of the environmental effects of dam construction in the process of sustainable development

Investigation of the environmental effects of dam construction in the process of sustainable development

fatemeh basereh1 ahmad.mortezapour2

1) Graduated from the Department of Hydrology and Water Resources, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz
2) Graduated from the Department of Hydrology and Water Resources, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz

Publication : 3rd.International Conference on Architecture, Civil Engineering, Urban Development, Environment and Horizons of Islamic Art in the Second Step Statement of the Revolution(
Abstract :
The growing population has increased the need for water for various domestic, agricultural and industrial uses. Compensation for losses and reduction of water, as well as easy access to water for various purposes, has been made possible by controlling the flowing water of rivers by building dams and storage tanks. In addition to positive effects such as water storage for drought periods, electricity production and flood control, dams also have negative effects. These adverse effects include various aspects such as economic-social, health, environmental, effect on the natural ecosystem, historical monuments, agricultural lands, etc. Environmental impact assessment (EIA) studies, which are carried out in the stages of preparation, construction and operation of a proposed project, examine and identify these effects, evaluate and reduce them as much as possible. The purpose of this article is to investigate the positive and negative effects of dam construction on the environment, as well as ways to reduce and manage these effects as much as possible according to the EIA process by examining the studies and citing these studies. It is obvious that environmental impact assessment studies should be done properly and comprehensively for each dam construction project, according to the ecological and social conditions of the project area.
Keywords : Dam Storage Tanks Environmental impact assessment (EIA) Ecological Social