Entrepreneurial Ecosystems in Rural Settings: A Review Focused on Women Entrepreneurs

Ebrahim Paqa1 Omid Soltanipour2 Suleiman Hashemi3 Sima Yamerli4

1) Master of Public Administration, Education and Research Center for Development and Foresight of the Management and Planning Organization of the province
2) Master of Geography, Rural Planning, University of Payam Noor Gonbad, Kavos,
3) PhD student in the field of International Islamic Azad Law, Tehran Central Branch,
4) Bachelor of Persian Literature, Gorgan Branch Azad University,

Publication : 3rd.International Conference on Architecture, Civil Engineering, Urban Development, Environment and Horizons of Islamic Art in the Second Step Statement of the Revolution(3icacu.ir)
Abstract :
The entrepreneurial ecosystem has gained significant attention as a framework for understanding the dynamics that influence entrepreneurial activities (Isenberg, 2011). However, there is limited research focusing on rural settings and specifically concerning women entrepreneurs. This review aims to bridge this gap by examining how rural entrepreneurial ecosystems affect or involve women entrepreneurs. A systematic review of academic databases like PubMed, Scopus, and Google Scholar was carried out, including 32 studies that met our criteria. The findings suggest that elements such as access to finance, entrepreneurial culture, and policy governance significantly influence the entrepreneurship journey for women in rural settings. This review concludes by emphasizing the importance of tailored policy interventions to support women entrepreneurs in rural ecosystems.
Keywords : Entrepreneurial Ecosystems Rural Settings Women Entrepreneurs Rural Entrepreneurship Gender and Entrepreneurship