Interactive Dental Healthcare via Monitoring Tooth brushing for Children

Afrooz Moazzam1 Anna Vardanyan2 Anna Poghosyan3

1) DDS, Graduate research assistant, Faculty of Stomatology , Yerevan State Medical University, Yerevan , Armenia,
2) DDS, Assistant Professor, Department of Prosthodontics, Yerevan state medical university,
3) DDS, Assistant Professor, Head of department of Surgical Stomatology and Maxillofacial Surgery, Yerevan state medical university,

Publication : 3rd International Conference on New Research & Achievements in Science, Engineering & Technologies(
Abstract :
Major dental disorders are thought to have a possible cause in dental plaque. People must learn oral hygiene techniques at a young age with the help of their families. This study attempts to help parents and lessen kids when brushing their teeth. Children s brushing skills are put to the test in an interactive game. The software platform and modules were used to construct a working prototype. The state of the palm movements was determined by brusher s sensing module. The LED changes positions when the total number of swipes surpasses a predetermined target. Changes the indexed dental light caused the children to pay closer attention and realign themselves to their matching tooth locations. With a partner s help, the average brushing time climbs up. The main focus of the contribution in this research is to closely observe children s needs while assisting them in brushing their teeth with a vision of monitoring and correction with the aim of having the best efficiency regarding dental healthcare.
Keywords : Effective Dental Care Teeth Cleaning Monitoring Interactive Aid Dental Care