Blockchain Technology In-Depth Survey and Analysis

Milad Ghalandariyan1

1) Independent Researcher in Computer and Data Science

Publication : 3rd International Conference on New Research & Achievements in Science, Engineering & Technologies(
Abstract :
Blockchain technology (BT) is one of the most important cutting–edge technologies that could affect all aspects of our lives. This systematic review provided a comprehensive overview of BT and its history and properties in the first step. Next, all BT networks were evaluated thoroughly concerning their pros and cons. Security is one of the most crucial factors in BT, which has been accessed in the next stage regarding the recent findings. Moreover, the study clearly explains how BT works in full–detailed content through a novel insight. In the last few years, the use of this technology has been increasing, which has been examined comprehensively. In this research, some critical case studies evaluated the newest advances in BT and its application. Finally, the integration of artificial intelligence methods (AI) with BT and their benefits and disadvantages was evaluated.
Keywords : Blockchain Technology Systematic Review Artificial Intelligence Methods Security; Newset Advances.