Changes in museum management: A custodial or marketing emphasis?

fatemeh-rashaki1 rayhane-movahed2

1) phd.goagraphy and urban
2) student.goagraphy and urban planing.

Publication : 3rd International Congress on Civil Engineering, Architecture, Building Materials and Environment(
Abstract :
In the last year, the museum s security centers have become a key to the pay - per - view centers. This change in the museum s goals and priorities has also affect the nature of the museum s administration. in recognition of new roles to the directors of the museum, and the need to gain attention to a different audience, had made a new challenge for the old headmasters in their traditional way of management. In this article, an entire frame was processed for the administration of the museum s services and for the museum service, and then two similar cultural histories, one in Ireland and the other in Australia. It s the various management methods used by the curator of the museum, and how this course of work involves a career change, a tradition of protection,
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