Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Sustainable Cultural Paradigms: A Systems Approach

Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Sustainable Cultural Paradigms: A Systems Approach

Shervin Rezaei1 Hamid Naghdbishi2

1) M.A Industrial Design- Islamic Azad University
2) Ph.D. Industrial Design, Polytechnic University of Madrid

Publication : 6th.International Conference & 7th.National Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture, Art and Urban Design(
Abstract :
Contemporary developments in the search for sustainability provide a creative approach to the question of an emerging global mindset change. In its cultural dimension, the sustainability search process fosters a paradigm shift in worldviews and ways of life, cultivating a sensitivity to the pattern that connects. These developments reflect a growing awareness of the interconnectedness of environmental, social, and economic systems, emphasizing the need for holistic approaches to address global challenges. The pursuit of sustainability goes beyond mere conservation efforts; it involves reimagining societal structures, consumption patterns, and resource management practices to ensure long-term viability and well-being for present and future generations. This shift in perspective requires collaborative efforts across sectors and disciplines, encouraging innovative solutions and transformative action. As individuals, communities, and nations embrace this evolving mindset, they contribute to a more sustainable and resilient global society, fostering harmony between humans and the natural world.
Keywords : : Sustainable Cultures Global Mindset Shift Aesthetic Connections Cultural Dynamics Transformative Sustainability.