Optimizing Product Development through Autogenetic Design Theory

kimia babaienejad1 Hamid Naghdbishi2

1) industrial designer
2) Ph.D. industrial design

Publication : 6th.International Conference & 7th.National Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture, Art and Urban Design(7iccacs.ir)
Abstract :
The Autogenetic Design Theory (ADT) revolutionizes product development by drawing parallels between biological evolution and the iterative process of creating and adapting products. Unlike traditional approaches, ADT emphasizes continuous improvement and adaptation to dynamic environments, akin to the principles observed in biological evolution. This article explores how ADT facilitates the optimization of product development processes by harnessing the mechanisms of natural evolution. Key insights include the generation of diverse solutions, impartial evaluation of concepts, and the identification of optimal solutions through iterative refinement. By adopting ADT principles, product development teams can enhance creativity, improve problem-solving efficiency, and achieve superior outcomes in line with evolving requirements and constraints.
Keywords : Autogenetic Design Theory Product Development Optimization Biological Evolution Analogies Continuous Improvement Process Iterative Refinement Strategies Creative Problem-solving Approa