Studying self-compacting concrete tests and Introducing the proper mixing plan

Masoud lakzadeh1 Reza Saeedi2 Amir Hosein Ghavamabadi3

1) 1. Professor at Skill National University, Tehran, Iran.
2) 2. Student at Skill National University, Tehran, Iran.
3) 2. Student at Skill National University, Tehran, Iran.

Publication : 4th International Conference on Advanced Research in Management And Humanities(
Abstract :
Abstract Investigating and recognizing the behavioral features of new concrete and performing appropriate tests on it, in order to model the hard conditions, can be effective in improving the properties of concrete. Self-compacting concrete has unique properties such as high strength, good performance, fluidity and ease of operation. In order to ensure the above properties, it is necessary to conduct tests and investigations on self-compacting concrete.
Keywords : Keywords: self-compacting concrete mixing plan strength.