Micro silica effects on Reducing Permeability and Concrete Water Absorption

Masoud lakzadeh1 Alireza Taghipoor2 Hamidreza Aminifar3

1) 1. Professor at Skill National University, Tehran, Iran.
2) 2. Student at Skill National University, Tehran, Iran.
3) 2. Student at Skill National University, Tehran, Iran.

Publication : 4th International Conference on Advanced Research in Management And Humanities(huconf.com)
Abstract :
Abstract Micro silica accelerates the reaction cement hydration, especially in the early ages of concrete cementation. The use of Micro silica in concrete reduces the absorption of concrete water and contributes to the coherence of concrete structures. Because of the effect Micro silica on the physical and mechanical parameters of concrete in addition to its specifications, based on the specifications of other constituent parts of concrete Such as gravel, gravel curve, softness modulus, water to cement ratio, cement type, etc., studying the effect the interconnection of this additive and the properties of other constituents of concrete is inevitable.
Keywords : Keywords: Micro silica Permeability Absorption.