Investigating the usage of sulfur, fillers and other additives in the compressive strength of sulfur concretes

Investigating the usage of sulfur, fillers and other additives in the compressive strength of sulfur concretes

Masoud lakzadeh1 Hadi Naghdi2 Alireza Naghdi3

1) 1. Professor at Skill National University, Tehran, Iran.
2) 2. Student at Skill National University, Tehran, Iran.
3) 2. Student at Skill National University, Tehran, Iran.

Publication : 4th International Conference on Advanced Research in Management And Humanities(
Abstract :
Abstract Sulfur concrete, according to its characteristics, can be found in the family of ordinary concrete made with Portland cement. For decades, the technology of making this concrete is monopolized by countries such as the United States and Canada, and today there is also technology in the country. In terms of investment, sulfur cement plants account for only 10 percent of investment in a typical cement plant, in addition, the construction and operation of a sulfur cement plant is one quarter of ordinary cement factories. With the increase in sulfur production from various sources such as refining crude oil containing sulfur, sweetening sour gas and other resources, its developmental and operational activities have also been boosted.
Keywords : Keywords: sulfur concrete compressive strength additives.