Localization in Animations: Ugly Dolls and Monsters University

Mahboobeh Yazdanpanah1

1) Ph.D in TEFL, Assistant Professor in Hazrat- e- Narjes Faculty, Vali- e- Asr University, Rafsanjan, Kerman, Iran

Publication : 4th International Conference on Advanced Research in Management And Humanities(huconf.com)
Abstract :
Every year, different animations are released in different countries that have millions of audiences. These animations have a great impact on people, especially children. For this reason, in order to remove cultural barriers and not to have an inappropriate impact on the youth of our dear Iran, the films are translated and then dubbed. The importance of translation is increasingly felt today because language has permeated all aspects of human life. The border between countries has been blurred by translation and the connection between societies has become wider. One of the most important types of translation is English to Persian translation, which in addition to the scientific and academic community, is used by all sections of society. The author of this article, by examining the script and subtitles of the films of Ugly dolls and Monsters University and then matching them with the dubbed audio of each of them, sought to examine and research the translation strategies and localization strategies of these animations. In the present study, the classification of cultural factors and elements of Newmark (1988) has been used in order to study and analyze cultural elements in the Persian translation of the mentioned animations. Translators try to use the strategies mentioned in this article. The results of this study showed that translation, localization and dubbing of animations entertain the audience and do not affect inappropriate foreign cultures.
Keywords : Translation Audio-visual Localization Animation dubbing Cultural elements