Modification for Metabolism-Related Features Based on the Food Industry

Morvarid Beigi1 Nazaninzahra Valizadeh2 Hannaneh Hosseinkazemi3

1) Department of Food Science and Technology, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran,
2) Department of Nutritional Science, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran
3) Department of Chemistry, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

Publication : 2nd International Congress on Science, engineering & New Technologies(
Abstract :
Fermentation´s food industry now applies lactic acid bacteria, which are classified as microbes for fermenting carbohydrates to lactic acid. The years have seen an increase in people s interest in the metabolism of the lactic acid metabolic properties of lactic acid bacteria probably because these properties can contribute to the food industry and probiotic functions. The bacteria can help break down complex molecules in food such as polysaccharides which are not normally digestible and certain flavorings that the consumer may not like. They likewise synthesize a lot while they are metabolizing which contains other compounds such as exopolysaccharides, amines, bacteriocins, and short-chain fatty acids. Owing to the major characters being explained beforehand the emotional bond created during the first few minutes helps the viewer to connect with the persons and their throughout. In other words, they aid in the enrichment of flavors of the food items that are fermented, provide additional nutritional value, reduce unfit ingredients increasing the time of the shelf life, and so on. However, this same process can become an alternative to antibiotics which are used to keep a body healthy. In this paper, the current developments are being focused on a vision based on the food industry as well as engineering-based food amendments, food standards, and food safety.
Keywords : Lactic Acid Bacteria Metabolism Food Characteristics Engineered Foods Food Amendment