Examining the Role of Modern Technologies in the Development of Renewable and Sustainable Energy Systems

Examining the Role of Modern Technologies in the Development of Renewable and Sustainable Energy Systems

Moohebat Abadi1

1) Master of Electrical Engineering-Electronic Integrated Circuits, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran.

Publication : 2nd International Congress on Science, engineering & New Technologies(secongress.com)
Abstract :
The development of renewable and sustainable energy systems is crucial and highly important, as renewable energy is recognized as a clean and sustainable energy source with fewer environmental impacts compared to fossil fuel sources. Therefore, the use of modern technologies to develop renewable and sustainable energy systems is essential. One of the innovative technologies playing a significant role in the development of renewable and sustainable energy systems is lithium-ion battery technology. These batteries are used as an energy storage solution for renewable energy sources like wind and solar. They enable the storage of energy for use when renewable sources are not available, such as during nights or cloudy days. This technology, by improving the efficiency and performance of batteries, has been highly effective in increasing the use of renewable and sustainable energy sources. Overall, modern technologies can play a crucial role in the development of renewable and sustainable energy systems. Since renewable energy is recognized as a clean and sustainable energy source, the use of innovative technologies to enhance the efficiency and performance of these systems is both vital and necessary. Therefore, further research in this area and increased investment in modern technologies for the development of energy systems with renewable and sustainable sources can contribute to environmental improvement and the reduction of the negative effects of climate change.
Keywords : renewable energy energy storage modern technologies renewable energy sources