Nanotechnology advancements in mechanical engineering

Aria Bandehpey1 Arash Bandehpay2

1) Master of Science, faculty of mechanical engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran
2) Master of art, faculty of literature and humanities, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, Tabriz, Iran

Publication : 2nd International Congress on Science, engineering & New Technologies(
Abstract :
Nanotechnology has brought about a revolution in the field of mechanical engineering, offering new possibilities for the development of advanced materials and devices. By manipulating materials at the nanoscale level, engineers are able to enhance the properties of traditional materials, creating stronger, lighter, and more durable products. This has opened up new opportunities for innovation in various industries, from aerospace and automotive to healthcare and electronics. One of the key areas where nanotechnology has made a significant impact is in the development of nanocomposites. These materials combine nanoparticles with traditional materials to create composites with superior mechanical, thermal, and electrical properties. For example, carbon nanotubes can be added to polymers to create lightweight and strong materials that are used in the manufacturing of aircraft and sports equipment. Similarly, nanoscale reinforcements can be incorporated into metals to improve their strength and toughness, making them ideal for applications in construction and transportation. Moreover, nanotechnology has enabled the development of nanosensors and actuators that can monitor and control mechanical systems at the nanoscale level. These devices have the potential to revolutionize the way we design and operate machines, leading to more efficient and reliable systems. For example, nanosensors can be used to detect tiny defects in machinery before they cause a breakdown, while nanoscale actuators can be employed to make precise adjustments to the performance of a system in real-time. Overall, nanotechnology advancements in mechanical engineering are paving the way for a new era of innovation and progress in the field.
Keywords : Nanotechnology Mechanical engineering advanced materials Nanoscale