Evaluation of the Architectural Design Processes based on Industry Revolution Analysis

Amir Faraji1 Shima Homayoon Arya2 Elnaz Ghasemi3

1) Associate Professor, Construction Project Management Department, Faculty of Architecture, Khatam University, Tehran 1991813741, Iran; Visiting Fellow, Western Sydney University, Sydney 2747, Australia;
2) PhD candidate, Construction Project Management Department, Faculty of Architecture, Khatam University, Tehran, Iran;
3) Construction Project Management Department, Khatam University, Tehran, Iran;

Publication : 2nd International Congress on Science, engineering & New Technologies(secongress.com)
Abstract :
One of the study areas of architectural design is the design process which needs analysis for various reasons. The first reason is the multitude of descriptions of the process that, apart from their differences, each has its own strengths and weaknesses. In the last few decades, the design activity has changed drastically due to the gradual increase in the complexity of construction, along with the drastic decrease in the time available for the idea and early stages of the project. The second reason is the necessity of determining the relationship between the process and the design subject. One of the ways to overcome the complexity of design is to use abstraction and conceptual representation of architecture in relation to the design process. On the other hand, in response to the demands of the industry 4.0, there is a need for a way to quickly extract the needs and strategies of users in the field of building design. The current research is a theoretical study in the scope of the design process considering the historical progress. First, by analyzing the meaning of design and the existing paradigms, the place of the design process in design research is studied, then the models of the design process are classified into three generations, and the effects of industrial revolutions parallel to the emergence of each design process generation are discussed. Due to that, future suggestions can be based on the comparison between the industrial revolutions achievements in providing design process models. Moreover, they can include the development of this pattern and the presentation of the fourth generation of the design process, appropriate to the industry 4.0.
Keywords : Design process Architecture Design Research Problem-Understanding Problem-Solving Industry 4.0.