Integration of Building Information Modeling (BIM) And Building Management Systems (BMS) Based on the Internet of Things

Integration of Building Information Modeling (BIM) And Building Management Systems (BMS) Based on the Internet of Things

Pouya Ghanizadeh Anganeh1 Iman Bagheri2

1) Department of Architecture and Urbanism, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
2) ECE Department, Montazeri Technical and Vocational University, Mashhad, Iran Email:

Publication : 2nd International Congress on Science, engineering & New Technologies(
Abstract :
Although building information modeling (BIM) has not yet reached its full potential, it has become an integral part of the construction industry. Besides its widespread use in civil engineering, BIM also serves as a comprehensive tool for the entire life cycle of the built environment - from design to construction to operation. Managing the sustainability of infrastructure is a major challenge for facility managers, but it can be achieved through the implementation of a building management system (BMS). The integration of real-time building data is crucial for the smooth operation of infrastructure, but the current use of BIM in facilities management is limited. In order to help facility managers, engage with the actual world within the BIM model, this study explores the integration of data analysis from the BMS system into a BIM model. Without the integration of BMS with BIM, this interactive method would not have been able to deliver rich information about the built environment.
Keywords : BIM Building Management BIM Integration BMS IoT