The Study of the Architectural Features of Lithographic Images in Visual Identity Design of the Book One Thousand and One Nights

The Study of the Architectural Features of Lithographic Images in Visual Identity Design of the Book One Thousand and One Nights

Hadi qiteranzadeh1

1) 1. Master Architectural Engineering, Roudhen Islamic Azad University, Iran

Publication : Second International Conference on applied researches in civil engineering, architecture and urban planning (
Abstract :
The visual identity formation is influenced by the culture of society. Numerous activities have been performed in different formats regarding visual identity design. Using lithographic images’ architecture, being rooted in the history and culture of each society and retelling real and fictional stories and events, is effective in identity creation. Therefore, the images of lithographic books are used by artists as models for designing and creating a sense of belonging and identity. Therefore, the present research set to review the images of the lithographic copy of the book One Thousand and One Nights, authored by Abdul Latif Tasoji Tabrizi, available in the central library of the Astan Quds Razavi to assess the elements of Iranian visual identity, relying on the library method and qualitative analysis of data, documents, and information. In fact, the illustrators of lithographic books, unlike the painters of previous eras, did not seek to create an artistic masterpiece independent of the text through literature, but their goal of illustrating lithographic books was to accurately illustrate the book text. The illustrators of lithographic books followed the same principles and rules of painting when illustrating a plot similar to painting, but in dealing with folk stories, they considered the painting tradition independent of the subject. In these images, the structures of columns, windows, and curtains depict traditional Iranian architecture and its interior decorations. Also, the clothing of men and women in these images represents the traditional and common Iranian clothing as well as their social status during the Qajar era. The battle scenes depicted in these pictures, besides evoking the wars of ancient Persians, also contain images of new war tools, including guns. Generally, the lithographic images of the One Thousand and One Nights book combine traditional and new elements of Iranian visual identity.
Keywords : Lithography Visual Identity Fiction One Thousand and One Nights