The Necessity of Fifth Facade Design in Educational Spaces to Sustainability Improvement

The Necessity of Fifth Facade Design in Educational Spaces to Sustainability Improvement

Sanaz Rahimlou1

1) The Master of Interior Architecture

Publication : 8th International Conference on Applied Researches in Science & Engineering (
Abstract :
The roof of the building is the fifth facade of the building. Green roofs are sometimes referred to as the fifth facade. on the other hand, many educational buildings lack adequate open space. so, Due to the built form of buildings, green roofs might be the only option for introducing green space. Since green roofs are composed of natural elements, they can also improve the quality and attractiveness of the building and its surrounding location. Such views have reduced feelings of stress and allow relaxation, improving overall well-being. Green roofs also provide the basis to create new recreational opportunities. The aim of this article is to the necessity of fifth facade design in educational spaces to sustainability improvement. Green roofs are also useful in helping the environment, reducing air pollution, urban heat island effect, rain management issues, and ecological conditions by enhancing biodiversity and beautiful landscapes. Green roofs provide multiple environmental, social, economic, and aesthetic benefits. Therefore, the organization and development of green roofs allow educational spaces to improve sustainability in addition to positive effects on the quality of learning.
Keywords : Green Roof Fifth Façade Educational Spaces Sustainability Nature Environmental.