Knowledge of the urban security process in order to deal with natural hazards (floods and inundation)

Knowledge of the urban security process in order to deal with natural hazards (floods and inundation)

Delaram Sadeghkhan1

1) Master s Degree in Civil Engineering, Geotechnics

Publication : 8th International Conference on Applied Researches in Science & Engineering (
Abstract :
Flood is one of the natural phenomena that humans control its occurrence for a long time. Due to the extent, density and time and place of rainfall in most watersheds, in Iran every year we see huge floods in most parts of the country. As a result, flood means the overflowing of land that is normally dry and usually occurs during heavy rains, waves from lakes, seas and oceans on beaches, rapid snowfall or the destruction of dams or dams. The most dangerous type of floods are flash floods that happen quickly and without warning or with very little warning time. Rapid and indiscriminate urbanization is the main cause of increasing floods in the world. Flash floods are caused by soil compaction and concrete or asphalt surfaces that absorb a small amount of water. Reduction of open space, inappropriate surface water disposal system, building houses next to rivers are among the urban problems that are effective in aggravating the occurrence of floods. The security process is carried out before the event, which includes various measures to control and reduce the loss of lives and Financial possibility due to flood. Due to the inappropriateness of physical methods, it is necessary to pay attention to these methods.
Keywords : Flood and inundation flood management urban flood security