Elevating Airline Design and Production Excellence: A Strategic KPI Framework for DOA and POA Officers

SeyyedAbdolhojjat MoghadasNian1 Shima Mirfaizi2

1) Tarbiat Modares University,
2) Fachhochschule Aachen,

Publication : 8th International Conference on Applied Researches in Science & Engineering (8carse.com)
Abstract :
This study delves into the development and application of a Key Performance Indicator (KPI)-driven framework tailored for Design Organization Approval (DOA) and Production Organization Approval (POA) officers in the airline industry. It aims to elucidate how strategic alignment of KPIs with organizational objectives can significantly enhance the efficiency, compliance, and innovation in airline design and production processes. Employing a mixed-methods research approach, the study combines quantitative data analysis with qualitative insights from industry surveys, case studies, and direct observations. The findings reveal that a well-structured KPI framework not only optimizes operational processes but also fosters a culture of continuous improvement and strategic decision-making. By systematically analyzing various KPIs related to design and production efficiency, quality assurance, regulatory compliance, project management, innovation, supplier management, sustainability, and financial performance, the research underscores the pivotal role of KPIs in driving industry excellence. The study offers actionable insights for DOA and POA officers, suggesting the integration of KPIs into strategic planning and day-to-day operations as a means to navigate the complexities of modern aviation and achieve organizational goals. This research contributes to the existing body of knowledge by highlighting the multidimensional impact of KPIs and proposing a dynamic, adaptable framework for continuous operational enhancement in the highly regulated airline industry.
Keywords : Key Performance Indicators Design Organization Approval Production Organization Approval Airline Industry Operational Efficiency Innovation.