KPI-Driven In-Flight Catering: Enhancing Passenger Experience

SeyyedAbdolhojjat MoghadasNian1 Mojdeh HajiBandeh2

1) Tarbiat Modares University,
2) Islamic Azad University،Science and Research Branch

Publication : 8th International Conference on Applied Researches in Science & Engineering (
Abstract :
This study investigates the pivotal role of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in optimizing in-flight catering services, aiming to enhance both the passenger experience and operational efficiency within the airline industry. Recognizing the complexity and strategic importance of catering management, the research employs a mixed-methods approach, integrating quantitative data from airline operations and qualitative insights from industry stakeholders, including catering managers, cabin crew, and passengers. Through comprehensive analysis, the study identifies essential KPIs across service quality, operational efficiency, cost management, sustainability, and innovation, demonstrating their substantial impact on improving catering services. Case studies from leading airlines provide practical examples of successful KPI implementation, underscoring the adaptability and effectiveness of KPI-driven strategies in addressing diverse operational challenges and passenger needs. The findings contribute to both theoretical frameworks and practical applications in airline catering management, offering actionable recommendations for airlines to implement robust, data-driven approaches to enhance in-flight dining experiences. By leveraging targeted KPIs, airlines can achieve greater customer satisfaction, operational excellence, and competitive advantage, aligning catering services with evolving passenger expectations and industry standards.
Keywords : Airline Catering KPI Passenger Experience Operational Efficiency Sustainability Service Innovation