Examining the application of new technologies in the optimal cost management of construction projects

Mohammad Hasan Ali Babaee1

1) Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran

Publication : 9th.International Conference on Researches in Science & Engineering & 6th.International Congress on Civil, Architecture and Urbanism in Asia(9icrsie.com)
Abstract :
The new construction technology falls under the category of equipment and materials used to maximize improvement, minimize costs and material wastage, accelerate work, closely monitor and reduce common risks for the workforce. Construction and contracting companies are responsible for overseeing the implementation of such equipment and materials using new construction tools and technologies. The employer s choice of project execution method is crucial for project success, taking into account factors such as project type, volume, contract amount, completion time, scope of authority, existence of an efficient information system, and the responsibilities of the employer and contractor. Therefore, employers should carefully consider different project execution methods and seek advice from relevant experts in their field to choose the most suitable approach. In doing so, employers should prioritize implementing the project with the lowest cost, highest quality, and most reasonable timeline, while also paying close attention to advanced technologies and appropriate, updated information systems.
Keywords : Construction project - technology - information systems - cost reduction