Exercise for diabetus type 1

Ameer Najah Hussein1 Farnaz seifi2

1) Master s student in Sports Physiology of Mohaghegh Ardabili University
2) Professor of Mohaghegh Ardabili University, Department of Sports Physiology, Ardabil, Iran

Publication : Second International Exercise Physiology Conference(sportuma2023.ir)
Abstract :
Having appropriate physical activity in children and adolescents is important from different physical, mental and social aspects. Diabetic children and adolescents are not exempt from this rule, but the lack of familiarity with the correct way of regulating their food and drug program according to the type and intensity of exercise, as well as the fear of complications such as hypoglycemia, limit their participation in sports activities and as a result, they are deprived. They are one of the benefits of exercise. Paying attention to the times when the consumed insulin, depending on its type, is at its peak effect in the body and avoiding intense activity in these times, the appropriate method of injection in athletes and regulating the amount of injected insulin and additional carbohydrates in proportion to the intensity and duration of the activity in reducing These side effects are effective. In addition, it is necessary to educate patients and sports coaches in recognizing the symptoms of hypoglycemia and how to deal with it. Patients who have an unstable metabolic state (uncontrolled blood sugar and ketonuria) should refrain from exercising until the metabolic state stabilizes.
Keywords : Effect of exercise-diabetes-pancreas