Synthesis of Hydroxyapatite mesoporous nanoparticles at low temperature via chemical precipitation

Motahare sadat mohseni salehi monfared1 Jafar Javadpour2

1) Graduate Student at Depertment of Materials Science and Engineering, Tarbiat Modares,
2) Professor at Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Emil:

Publication : 2nd International Conference On Research Science And Technology(
Abstract :
In the present study, mesoporous hydroxyapatite (HA) was succesfully synthesized via aqueous chemical precipitation. Sample was characterized with BET-BJH, XRD, FE-SEM. It was found that HA Nanoparticles with hexagonal structure can be synthesized at low temperatures. X-ray diffraction was approved this. FE-SEM images of HA nanoparticles showed spherical morphology with 40 nm in diameter. BET analysis approved mesoporous structure.
Keywords : Hydroxyapatite Mesoporous Chemical precipitation Characterization.