Providing the effective methods to prevent from slide in the route of Chamestan-Lavij (suburb of Noor city) rural road

Providing the effective methods to prevent from slide in the route of Chamestan-Lavij (suburb of Noor city) rural road

masoud kiapur1 Sina Etezadi Amoli2 Jaber Naimi3

1) M.Sc, Department civil engineer, Ayatollah Amoli Branch, Islamic Azad University, Amol, Iran,
2) M.Sc, Department civil engineer, Ayatollah Amoli Branch, Islamic Azad University, Amol, Iran,
3) M.Sc, Department civil engineer, Ayatollah Amoli Branch, Islamic Azad University, Amol, Iran,

Publication : 3rd International Conference On Modern Researches in Civil Engineering, Architecture And Urban Development(
Abstract :
There is Various analytical method to investigating the stability of natural or artificial Slopes, regard to geological,ecological,topographic and seismic conditions of considered region experienced Landslide In this design , analysis of slide downhill stability has performed at both static and quasi-static conditions using limit-eqailibrium softwate SLPO/W Version 5/16. Research method Used in theis Paper is limit-equilibrium method and to analyse the stability of Slop plates , the method of plate fracture has been used. Regard to mentioned advantage and disaduantage,for each design,and also being Lower of administrative costs of option 2(establishing Gabioni Wall at Slide amplitude the Road deviation and broadening) than option1 (Establishing Gabioni Wall at slide amplitude and establishing L-shape concrete Wall by the side of road) and also having the least administrative problems,option(2) with the road deviation and broadening, is suggested as a superior choice for performance.
Keywords : slide trenches software Slope/w optimum stabilization Gabioni wall