E-Readiness Assessment

Mahdi Fakour Baghban1 Ali Jahedi2

1) Head of IT Department at Management and Planning Organization of Khorasan Razavi
2) ICT incubator manager at kstp

Publication : 3rd international conference of Science and Engineering(3icesconf.com)
Abstract :
e-readiness is a relatively new concept due to the growth of internet penetration in the world and also the creation of dramatic advances in the use of information technology in business, industry, services, education and other fields, in many countries has-been considered. In this review it is tried to use the Mutula and van Brakel e-readiness model preparation of a number of executive agencies in Mashhad as the second largest city in Iran (Khorasan Razavi Province), with emphasis on access to information, is assessed. For this purpose, using a questionnaire designed and interview techniques, information required in connection with any of the original model includes organizational readiness, information readiness, infrastructure readiness, human resources readiness and external environment readiness is collected. The results show executive agencies selected in the areas of preparation of human resources, organizational readiness and preparedness are infrastructurally deficient. But the Department of Customs, Department of Posts, and Science and Technology Park are front runners and superior; and this seemed more prominent in preparation, infrastructure readiness and organizational readiness. However, the Office of Civil Registration, Department of Education and Department of Technical and Vocational Education has the worst possible conditions for e-readiness.
Keywords : organizational readiness information readiness infrastructure readiness human resources readiness external environment readiness