Mathematical Modeling of Differential Equations of Concentration in a Sieve-Plate Extraction Column

Mathematical Modeling of Differential Equations of Concentration in a Sieve-Plate Extraction Column

Pouria Amani1 Mohammad Esmaeili2

1) Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran -
2) Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran -

Publication : 3rd international conference of Science and Engineering(
Abstract :
In this study, the solute concentration in a Sieve-plate column was modeled. Two different models that were continuous phase axial dispersion model and disperse-continuous phase axial dispersion model were considered to simulate the behavior of the plate column under different flow rates. In fact, the solute concentration profiles in both disperse and continuous phase based on dispersion model with and without consideration of axial dispersion in both phase were studied. These models were validated by mass transfer tests with n-butanol/ acetic acid/ water system. According to results, the average deviation of 4.84% and 4.76% between experimental data and simulation outcomes in steady state condition were obtained for the models respectively, which showed a good agreement. Moreover, when the influence of dispersion in both phases were included in the models, the simulation outcomes slightly improved. Consequently, the results showed that the influence of dispersion in continuous phase was more influential than the effect of dispersion in disperse phase and, therefore, the effect of dispersion in disperse phase can be neglected.
Keywords : Mathematical modeling Differential equations Axial dispersion Liquid–Liquid extraction plate column