DSA Generation using Micro Ring Resonators

Abdolkarim Afroozeh1 Solayman Hashemi2 Hanieh Jamshidi3 Hafez Ariyaee4 Arezoo Hashemi5 Fereshteh Heydari6 Mohsen Pargar7

1) Larestan Higher Education Complex, Larestan, Iran
2) Larestan Higher Education Complex, Larestan, Iran
3) Larestan Higher Education Complex, Larestan, Iran
4) Larestan Higher Education Complex, Larestan, Iran
5) Larestan Higher Education Complex, Larestan, Iran
6) Larestan Higher Education Complex, Larestan, Iran
7) Larestan Higher Education Complex, Larestan, Iran

Publication : 3rd international conference of Science and Engineering(3icesconf.com)
Abstract :
A novel system of dark soliton array (DSA) for secured communication generated by using the multiplexed dark soliton pulses is proposed. Different wavelength of soliton pulses with relevant parameters are input into the micro ring resonators system with the radii of 7 μm and 2.5 µm, where the dynamic dark solitons can be generated. The DSA are obtained by using a series micro ring resonators with parameters where in the wavelength range of λ1 is 1516 nm , λ2 is 1518 nm and λ3 is 1520 nm. For security applications, the DSA can be tuned and amplified. Thus, the use of DSA for high capacity and capacity can be realized by using proposed secured system. In transmission, the long distance link of the multi variable network can be performed by this DSA.
Keywords : Dark solition array; Micro ring resonator; Nonlinear behavior