ارزیابی ابر پروژه های بازسازی شهری : ارائه یک مدل جدید

ریحانه رحیم زاده1 پروفسور علی پارسا2 سیمون هیوستن3

1) دانشجو دکتری در رشته شهرسازی و مدیریت شهری در دانشگاه رویال اگریکالترال در انگلستان
2) رئیس دانشکده شهرسازی و مدیریت شهری در دانشگاه رویال اگریکالترال در انگلستان
3) استاد ارشد در دانشگاه رویال اگریکالترال در انگلستان

محل انتشار : سومین کنگره بین المللی عمران، معماری و توسعه شهری(3icsau.ir)
چکیده :
With rapid urbanization worldwide, 21st Century cities are undergoing dramatic expansion and regeneration. Urban migration, driven by jobs and other opportunities for wealth generation and economic development, has created the phenomenon of ‘megacities’. Mega Urban Regeneration Projects (MURP) and emblematic projects are deemed as an urban policy solution. However in practice, MURPs, due to their complexity, scale and risk, are often over-budget or late. Besides the risk of waste and high opportunity costs, the other criticism levelled against MURP is their proclivity to concentrate spatially on privileged enclaves or capital cities. Drawing upon evidence from case studies in the UK and the Netherlands as part of a larger study, this paper first develops a MURP screening framework and then uses it to critically evaluate the Utrecht Station Area Redevelopment project. The proposed model “smart-MURP” involves ‘institutional’, ‘project’ and innovative ‘funding’ components. The research methodology is based on qualitative research employing a comprehensive literature review, case studies and interviews with key stakeholders in mega urban regeneration projects in the UK and the Netherlands. The research contributes to the academic urban development discourse and provides practical pointers to policy makers, planners, investors, developers and other stakeholders involved with Mega Urban Regeneration or development projects. The study provides a roadmap to reinforce positive policy pathways and eschew mistakes.
کلمات کلیدی : urban development, regeneration, mega projects, evaluation