The contextual analysis of the natural sciences lesson book of the second primary grade and the comparison of the Iranian national educational lesson plan purposes

The contextual analysis of the natural sciences lesson book of the second primary grade and the comparison of the Iranian national educational lesson plan purposes

Seyed Heydar Azarkasb1 Ezatolah Naderi2 Maryam Seif Naraghi3

1) Department of Education Islamic Azad University, Arak Branch, Arak, Iran
2) Ph.D, Department of Educational Sciences, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3) Ph.D, Department of Educational Sciences, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

Publication : The Third International Conference on Modern Researches in Humanities(
Abstract :
The lesson plan changes of the natural sciences training are one of the most sophisticated challenges of the countries educational system in all over the world. The main purpose of the present study was to investigate and analyze the natural sciences lesson book of the second primary grade and its comparison with aiming at the educational and learning issues in the Iranian national educational lesson plan trying to represent an active combinative learning-teaching approach in this study. The related study was an applied type of study purposefully and it also was a descriptive type of study regarding to gather the related data. The statistical population of the present study was included the national lesson plan, teacher s manual and the natural sciences book of the second primary grade during 2014-2015 that this was also investigated by William Roomy contextual analysis method. The obtained results from the contextual analysis of the natural sciences book of the second primary grade showed the challenging with text coefficient 0.98, challenging with pictures coefficient 1.25 and challenging with book questions coefficient 2.33 in this study. These degrees have been also established between 0.4 to 1.5 for learners challenging with text and book pictures; according to William Roomy, this method had been also represented as an active method but the challenging with book questions coefficient had been represented as inactive (2.33 for the second primary grade). Based on the research results, there had been represented to reevaluate designing of all questions trying to challenge all learners with cognitive skills and lesson book questions as well as giving some learning-teaching approaches actively in this regard.
Keywords : national lesson plan contextual analysis natural sciences second primary grade active combinative approach