Study and performance of three-dimensional laser scanning technology in preparation industrial As-Built plans

Study and performance of three-dimensional laser scanning technology in preparation industrial As-Built plans

Moeinoddin Mahmoudi1 Farshad Vatankhahan2 Omid Malekahmadi3 Reza Goharimehr4

1) B.Sc. in Department of mechanical engineering, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Iran,
2) B.Sc. in Department of mechanical engineering, Najafabad branch, Islamic Azad University, Iran,
3) B.Sc. in Department of mechanical engineering, Najafabad branch, Islamic Azad University, Iran,
4) B.Sc. in Department of mechanical engineering, Najafabad branch, Islamic Azad University, Iran,

Publication : 3rd International Conference On Research Science And Technology(
Abstract :
In various industries such as refineries, petroleum, steel, construction and so on after completion of each project and establishment of industrial units, normally employers demand As-built plans from contractors. The aim of these documents is that after completion of the project, the employer has finalized plans in case of necessary changes in facilities, piping, equipment, industrial fixed-position Power, water transfer lines and so on; or also in case of replace and repair, the final plans are needed to Design and Implementation of new project. One way to prepare As-built is using surveyor experts that after completion of the project, they will attend on site in question of the contractor to start measuring and preparing industrial plans. In advanced industrial countries such as Germany, modern methods are provided for the preparation of these plans only by a laser scanning device. That is much faster, cheaper, non-hazardous, and may be done with great precision from the common method. This paper has decided to completely study and present this new technology. As conclusion, using three-dimensional laser scanning for preparing industrial As-built plans cause high accuracy and low error of 1 to 2 mm, also this tool can accomplish this process at 1:10.
Keywords : industrial As-built three-dimensional scanning laser scanners surveying.