Effect analysis of physical index distribution on spatial balance of population, (Case: district 5 of Tehran city)

Effect analysis of physical index distribution on spatial balance of population, (Case: district 5 of Tehran city)

Naser Rezaie1 Hesam GHaleedar2 Sajad ahmadi3

1) Urban PhD candidate at Islamic Azad University, Science and Research branch, Professor of urban planning department at Apadana University-shiraz, Tehran - Iran
2) Master of urban planning-Director of urban planning department at Municipality of Shiraz
3) Geography and urban planning PhD student at University of khage nasir Tehran - Iran

Publication : International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Cityscape(iccacs.com)
Abstract :
Development and distribution of land use in urban settlement, play important role in spatial pattern of population and Demographic changes, so distribution of physical index should provide spatial justice. In this research subdistrict in district 5 of Tehran has been studied in compared with twelve mentioned physical parameters in a 20-year period. This study aims to identify trend of demographic balance and effects of physical factors in ordering of population equilibrium, in subdistrict of district 5 of Tehran. Study is based on assumptions that the distribution of population in district 5 of Tehran is not balanced and there is a relation among this fact and distribution of physical factors. For the first hypothesis coefficient of entropy and for second hypothesis the model of Koyck conversion is used.
Keywords : population balance physical factors spatial justice district 5 of Tehran