Zero-energy residential complex designing by clean energies in Andisheh

Saeb Ghanbari1 Ali kheiri2

1) Master Student Of Architectural Engineering , Islamic Azad University Of Semnan,Semnan,Iran,
2) PHD,Islamic Azad University of

Publication : International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Cityscape(
Abstract :
Nowadays, global warming and limited fossil energy is one of the government leaders concerns, included the countries without oil reserves, to reduce costs and prevent environmental pollution as well as oil – producing countries to increase exports and more income. However, further use of clean and sustainable energy to reduce environmental pollution is vital and costs reduction and income increment considered in next step. In the Middle East, use of bio-gas is possible due to the volume of sundials, wind and earth warming. The current study investigates a residential complex in Andisheh, designed with wind, solar energy and bio – gas. The research methodology is descriptive – analytic. Field studies provided required information and data, as well as websites, libraries and documents studies. The observations and documents depict that initial costs will be amortized over several years, due to free production of clean energies, although high initial costs is required to execute the project, considering energy annual increment. This procedure reduces air pollution and its consequences.
Keywords : solar energy wind energy bio-gas residential complex zero – energy .