Review of BIM Innovation in Construction Management

Reza Mahmudi Hasankhanlo1 Akbar Marefat2 Hossein Naghash toosi3

1) MSC. Student Project Management and Construction program, Architectural Department, University Of Tehran, Iran
2) MSC. Student Project Management and Construction program, Architectural Department, University Of Tehran, Iran
3) Assistant Professor, Architectural Department, University Of Tehran, Iran

Publication : 1st International Congress on Engineering Innovation and Development of Technology(
Abstract :
Controlling construction site operations is one of the crucial overriding concerns for the clients and contractors, as the majority of the construction delays tend to occur in the construction phase. It is not surprising to see interest in deploying advanced technologies such as Building Information Modelling (BIM) to help in addressing such concerns. BIM is a process by which a digital representation of the physical and functional characteristics of a facility are built, analyzed, documented and assessed virtually, then revised iteratively until the optimal model is documented. The virtual BIM model is not only graphical design but also a virtual database which includes the management data. So the construction manager (CM) can use BIM as a real simulation of the actual project. As explained above, it can be firmly stated that BIM makes the project with the least interference and risk in construction phase and achieve to predefined objectives such as time, cost and quality. The purpose of this paper is to investigate how to integrate BIM with the daily construction activities to increase the effectiveness of construction operational activities.
Keywords : Building Information Modeling (BIM) Construction Management (CM) Technology Innovation