The relationship between Egocentrism and Early Maladaptive Schemas with Well-Being: Automatic thought

The relationship between Egocentrism and Early Maladaptive Schemas with Well-Being: Automatic thought

Arefeh Monajem1

1) PhD. Student of Psychology Department, Qom Islamic Azad University

Publication : International Conference on Management and Humanities(
Abstract :
Aim: The main purpose of the present study is to investigate the relationship between egocentrism and early maladaptive schemas with well-being in students. Methods: The methods which were used in this research were correlation, regression and path analysis. The number of the studied cases consists of 400 students of Tehran Payame Noor University from three different social classes and levels in the society that were sampled by available categorized sampling. They were asked to complete personal fable scale and new imaginary audience scale in order to evaluate egocentrism and three other scales were completed to consider early maladaptive schemas (EMSs), well-being and automatic thought, individually. Data were analyzed using Pearson’s correlation coefficient, stepwise regression analysis and path analysis. Results: The analysis showed that Disconnection/Rejection and Impaired limits domains and Invulnerability and Automatic thought predict well-being directly. Conclusion: The maladaptive schemas and invulnerability has a key role in predicting students’ psychological well-being. By awareness of emotional needs and entry into career world the current relationship among same age group and social groups will lead to social perception and an increase in psychological well-being statue.
Keywords : Key words: early maladaptive schemas egocentrism automatic thought well-being