Teaching English as a foreign language

Maryam Moaddabshoar1

1) Science and Research university of

Publication : International Conference on Management and Humanities(icmhconf.com)
Abstract :
In this essay you are going to read about common, easiest and new ways of learning English according to Grammatical, Aural, Translative, English-Only and Immersive approach . Also we are going to introduce some methods of learning which Iranian use in their everyday English. In other hand there are some explanation of Communicative language teaching , Blended learning , Online classroom and Qualifications for TEFL teachers and at the end of each part there is a question “who is this best for? “. It elucidates each topic relates to which kind of person/people. all these information collected by searching the websites, interviewing people and reading some books .
Keywords : Grammar Translation Iran Approach