A Review on Pollution Sources of Rivers with Regard to the Origin of their Production (Case Study: Babol Roud River)

A Review on Pollution Sources of Rivers with Regard to the Origin of their Production (Case Study: Babol Roud River)

Mohammad Yousefinejad1

1) MSc student in civil engineering (environment), Khaje Nasir Toosi University of Technology

Publication : International Conference On Research Science And Technology(restconf.com)
Abstract :
Abstract In Iran, the use of surface water and groundwater has always been a priority for farmers, industries, and so forth due to the geographical location and arid climate. Unfortunately, the human causes pollution and destruction by the wrong and excessive consumption of resources. This study aims to investigate the main factors of water pollution for Babol Roud River and classify factories that are the main causes of pollution of the river, such as Fiber factory in Babolsar and zinc oxide production factory in Amir Kala. Wastewater of these factories plays a key role in the water pollution of Babol Roud River. Other factors that impose excessive pollution on the river include the slaughterhouse of Babol, the entry of the oil into the river, toxic pollution and farming. Mismanagement and the entry of large quantities of wastewater that are dumped daily into the river have increased pollution and aquatic life, wildlife and even people in this region are facing a serious threat. In this regard, the present study considered the contaminants in Babol Roud River, the most important and the most practical suggestions to reduce and mitigate pollutants entering the river. Hence, this study is considered important to advance vital goals and the more accurate decision-making and help enforcement authorities with reducing pollutants of this river.
Keywords : Keywords: Babol Roud River water pollution Fiber factory of Babolsar mitigation of pollutants