The relationship between educational quality and educational Justice among students in specialty and subspecialty at Iran University of Medical Science

The relationship between educational quality and educational Justice among students in specialty and subspecialty at Iran University of Medical Science

parisa irannejad1 mahshid darabeigi2

1) َasistant profesor of Azad Islamic university of Alborz. Iran.
2) Phd. Student of Azad Islamic university of karaj

Publication : 5th International Conference on Research in Science & Technology(
Abstract :
The relationship between educational quality and educational Justice among students in specialty and subspecialty at Iran University of Medical Science Abstract University and higher education institutions play an important role in educating the people. But this education must be such that, in addition to quantitative targets, should give special attention to good quality, because good educational quality prevents the loss of human and material capitals, and in the meantime, helps the country progress, and provides access to equal opportunities that always is considered one of the goals of education in every degree and country and tries to provide equal educational opportunities for women and men between all sectors of education. In this paper, the relationship between educational quality and educational Justice was studied among students in specialty and subspecialty at Iran University of Medical Sciences. Method: This was a descriptive-cross-sectional study (correlation). The population includes students in specialty and subspecialty at Iran University of Medical Sciences. Of the 1039 students in specialty degree 276 samples were selected, and 82 samples were selected of students in subspecialty degree (100 students), the samples were selected using simple random sampling method, and test Spearman s Correlation and Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Mann-Whitney test and spss23 software were used for the analysis of information. Findings: The results of the questionnaire showed that among the participants, 77% were studied in specialty degree, and 23 percent in a subspecialty degree. Of the participants, 61.6% were married and 38.4 percent were single. The average quality of education from the perspective of both degrees was in good condition, and there were observed no significant differences between the two groups statistically (p =0.545), but students in specialty degree in terms of educational (67.42 ± 17.12) were more satisfied than other students. (60.56 ± 17.54) (P =0.002). In addition, there was a significant relationship among students in specialty degree between sub-criterion of educational quality including perception of teaching and the perception of role s independence and the perception of social support and a sense of educational equity. (Perception of teaching (P =0.001) and Perception of role s independence (P =0.001) and perception of social support (P =0.024). But in the subspecialty degree, there was no significant relationship between the components of educational quality and educational equity. (perception of teaching (P =0.296 and the perception of role s independence (P =0.088) and perception of social support (P =0.051). The results show that, there is no significant difference between the views of the respondents in terms of educational level, and gender, and marital status, and residence about educational quality and educational equity. Results: According to the findings, according to the relative satisfaction of students in terms of educational quality, it is recommended that managers and administrators with assessment of students to pay more attention to educational quality, and in relation to educational Justice according to students satisfaction of educational Justice prevailing in the educational environment, should be noted that improvement must be considered in addition to maintaining the status quo. Key words: quality, educational systems (school, higher education), educational equity.
Keywords : Key words: quality educational systems (school higher education) educational equity.